About Bizwheel
The main component of a healthy environment for self esteem is that it needs be nurturing. It should provide unconditional warmth.
As you can see, it is a specific method of sampling and care must be used in
order to insure that you are not throwing away your money and that you are
getting the most accurate results that you can. Unfortunately finding a radon
pro who does radon testing is getting more difficult to find so radon in water
testing my end up falling on you or possibly the realtor.
The results. Well there is no cut and dry number for radon in water levels as
there is with airborne radon. These "safe" levels vary depending on which State
you are in. Massachusetts, which does not regulate radon testing has a limit for
waterborne radon that is in place for municipal water supplies such as
reservoirs, lakes, town wells etc. They do not regulate private water supplies
like your homes own well. We use the same limit in Mass. as is used for
municipal water supplies and that is currently 10,000 pCi/l since there are no
set limits for private wells. Now if you live in some other States, like Maine,
Connecticut and others the limits for waterborne radon can be between 2,000 and
5,000 pCi/l.
There is a ratio between airborne and waterborne radon and that is, for every
10,000 pCi/l that is present in your well water, it will add 1.0 pCi/l to you
airborne reading and it will add it to the air on the floor of the house where
the most water is used. Washing machines, dishwashers, showers etc or anything
that agitates or aerates the water will cause it to release from the water and
become airborne which you will then breath in.
Next installment will begin to cover mitigation, or the methods for removing
radon from your home.